Today, the first day of spring, it's windy, cold, and snowing, but last week when it was warm and sunny, I took the camera out into the garden and got some pictures. I love the buds and first leaves! And also my beautiful babies. Do click to see the larger versions!
I was surprised to see so many crocus. Then I remembered that I used bulb food on everything last spring and on as many bulb things as I could remember the locations of in the fall. So obviously I'm going to do it again this year! Mental note: Get more bulb food!

Little siberian squill getting ready to bloom. I don't think they like their position very well, but they do keep coming up and blooming. I'd like to get more, because they are so intensely blue (which frustratingly enough never shows up well in photos).

There are so many unexpected bits of color in the early spring if you go looking for them. Here are some bright red peony buds

and here are some beautiful tiny heuchera leafelets. I think this is Peach Flambe. I love the colored heucheras!

This is daylily Hyperion by the back door. Yay! I have two other patches of Hyperion, and neither of them is poking up their little noses yet, but I suppose this patch is in a more protected position so near the house.

Another of my spring favorites--baby alchemilla (lady's mantle) leaves. I love their fringed edges and pleats. These are very close up--they're tiny, tiny little leaves, smaller than a penny.

I have no idea what this is. I simply cannot remember. I'm thinking it must be an actual something (as opposed to being a weed), since they're all the same and sort of in a little circle, and near the back door, near the daylilies, but I simply don't know what they are. Spring's little mysteries! I can spend the next several weeks hovering and waiting to find out what they are. (Or I suppose I could look up my posts from last year and see what I planted there, but what fun is that?)

While I was trotting around taking pictures, the Ts were playing. Here they are with their favorite balls. Timber obviously could use a new Jolly Ball.

Taenzer, looking particularly handsome. She looks a lot like her grandfather, Valiantdale's Boss v. Icon. The Valiantdale dogs all have a strong family resemblance, but there's an observable difference between the Boss look and the Icon look, even though Boss was an Icon son--must be the East German influence of Boss's dam, Hapi v. Fernheim

And here's the ultra-adorable Timber, boy of my heart. I bet he's the most beautiful dog from his entire litter!

I spent yesterday in Springfield with my sister and had a very good time, but that's a post for later, since this is already so long.
1 comment:
Fruit of your labor coming up for you to enjoy! I don't have many spring flowers, not surprisingly, since I haven't done anything.
Your furry babies are adoraable. I don't think Timber would like a new ball very much, at least that's the way around here. The old things, even totally chewed up are the ones they like best. I'm glad to say that Happy too likes the Jolly ball, but not as much as Sam did. Biko ignores them.
I didn't know you knew where your pups came from? Anywya enjoy your weekend! It's snowing slightly here too.
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