Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Bad dog mom

I took Taenzer out walking Sunday afternoon, and I must say, she was VERY good. I was SO proud of her. She was excited and pull-y the first couple of blocks, but I kept turning away and when she'd come up into position, I'd click and treat. So the next 4 or 5 blocks she was out in front of me but not pulling, and the last 2 blocks she walked at my side with a loose leash!!! I was very happy and proud.

However, at one point we met a man who was walking home after grocery shopping. I stepped off the sidewalk and had her sit, which she did, but he was tired and wanted to talk, so he put his bags down and stepped toward her to greet her. And she barked at him. It wasn't a "Get away from my mom!" kind of bark, but more of an "OMG, what do I do now, I know, I'll bark, maybe that will make him go away" kind of bark.

My dog is undersocialized. She needs to get out way more and I need to do way more training. I'm a bad dog mom. :(

It's still wet out, but not so sloppy muddy, so I let them into the puppy pen tonight. While they ran around, I cut back last year's clematis and peony foliage and raked a little bit. I have a few crocus blooming, some daffodils with buds, and I found not just peony buds but leaflets. It was overcast all day so the light wasn't good and I didn't take pictures, but it's supposed to be sunny tomorrow. If it is I'll post some pics. I found some tiny buds on the clematis, and one of the roses has some leaf buds.

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