Monika mentioned in a comment that she thought I didn't know where the Ts had come from. This gives me a perfect excuse to post about Timber's mystery, which I've been breaking my brain over since I first read his story.
Now, I got Taenzer from the breeder of my previous GSD, Stella: Kathy Watson of Valiantdale Kennels. Stella is, in fact, (or was) Taenzer's great-great-aunt--Taenzer's great-grandmother and Stella had the same set of parents (although they're probably from different litters). She's registered as Valiantdale's StarDance ("taenzer" being German for "dancer," although it's the masculine--don't tell her!).
Timber is my rescue boy, and I don't know his breeding. But he and his five littermates were found scrounging out of the dumpster behind a truckstop near St. Louis. Stop and think about that: SIX 6-month-old purebred German Shepherd puppies, abandoned outside a truckstop.
This makes absolutely no sense. Even without papers, someone could have sold them for $100 or $200 apiece. But no. Someone abandoned six 6-month-old GSD puppies, and if anybody can come up with an explanation that makes any sense, I would love to hear it!
Timber's sister Lily

Timber's sister Ava

Timber's brother Rocket

Timber's brother Tank (so-named because he was the biggest--44 pounds. Timber weighed less than 30, poor little guy)

They're beautiful puppies. Callie got placed around St. Louis, I think, and got renamed Lexie. I think the other four wound up in the Chicago area. I would love to see the dogs they've grown up into. But I bet none of them is as beautiful as my Timber.
And this is the picture that started it all. I looked at that wistful little face and thought: "He's so CUTE. It couldn't hurt to just ask about him--I bet someone already has dibs on him." Three weeks later, he came home with us.
This is Timber with his brother Rocket. You can see how much smaller he is--and how RED his markings are!
OMG- stories like that make me cry. Timber sure looks very different than his brother. Love the red coloring, and the hairy ears, and the beautiful eyes ... :o)
So glad he ended up with you and Taenzer. :o)
Hey, I left out the really heart-wrenching stuff, like what awful diarrhea he had (actually, I think they all did) and how he was so weak in the rear end they thought at first they might have to have him put down, and how he needed 3 baths and hours and hours of grooming, even after having the worst of the mats cut out of his coat. I imagine the standard coated pups were much easier to clean up than the long-coated ones (Callie, Ava, and Timber), and I'm sure one of the reasons Timber hates being groomed so much has to do with his first few days in rescue.
My little boy. I'm glad he ended up with us, too. But I think Taenzer still wishes we'd taken him back after the first week! *lol*
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