Monday, January 28, 2008

Revisiting a few things

I was happy to see this report on what has become of some of the dogs confiscated from Michael Vick's dog fighting operation: I love the picture, and I'm so glad to see these dogs getting a second chance. There are videos of some of the dogs at

On the knitting front, do you remember the circular jacket I made and then couldn't figure out who to give it to? Here it is partly finished:

I pestered the people I finally gave it to for pictures, and here they are:

Madelyn is a real cutie and quite the personality. Yes, you're right, she's wearing the thing backwards; this is, her father tells me, because they strap her into her carseat, then put the shrug on to keep her warm. I hope some day to post a photo of her wearing it right way 'round, but I'm delighted that both Madelyn and her parents like it and that it's getting used. And it looks as if she'll be able to wear it at least through the winter. Also, I'm told that Madelyn's grandmother, who knits, "geeked out" when she saw it--I hope this is a good thing! *lol*

1 comment:

Monika said...

Madelyn is really a cutie! Sie looks happy in her circular jacket, no matter which way she put it on. :o)