Thursday, January 10, 2008

More T Cuteness

Okay. I retired to the bedroom about 9 last night. As I've mentioned before, I tend to read or listen to music and knit, or work puzzles, for a while before I go to bed, so I piled up my pillows and got my book, and Taenzer jumped up to "her place" on the pillow beside me. Timber still waits for permission--at least when I'm awake!--to come up, so I patted the bed and invited him up.

He's sitting there looking at me. Taenzer looks at him. Sits up. Reaches over and puts a front paw over his shoulders. Of course, that's an "I rule the roost here" gesture, but it looked so relaxed, like a pat on the back (I've seen her when she's really serious about it--this didn't look like that). Then she sat back and sat up--little paws tucked in against her chest like she does (and if you think about it, that's quite a feat, sitting up on a bed with a wiggly brother--her core strength must be excellent!). It was so unexpected and so cute I thought I was just going to die on the spot. Timber sits up all the time, but I've never seen Taenzer do it without being cued. It was one of those moments when (a) I'm wishing like mad I had that implanted camera for the shot and (b) I'm trying to sit really still and not interrupt the interaction while wanting to laugh out loud and hug both of them. What it led to, naturally, was WFDW (World Federation Dog Wrestling).

A little later, when things had quieted down, I looked up from my book. Taenzer was back in her spot on the pillow beside me. Timber was lying practically in her lap, as it were--he was chewing on one of those gigantic antlers they got for Christmas, and he was so close to her that one end of the antler was under one of her forefeet. I looked up just in time to see her doing calming signals--yawn, lip-lick. He's looking innocent and reeking of mischief. I think she's trying to calm herself, not him! He flips the antler over so that the end curves UP into her face, keeps gnawing, and gives her this look that says, "Nyah, nyah, nyah--you can't take it because I had it first." (I had little brothers--I know how this works!) She shifts a little, raises her lip at him a couple of times, then puts her mouth over his nose. He doesn't turn a hair. The Law of Possession is inviolable--he has it, and The Rules (as I understand them) say she can't take it unless he abandons it or otherwise signals that he's no longer interested.

Once again, I had to put both hands over my mouth so as not to laugh out loud and interrupt the show. Then I took pity on my good girl and took the antler from Timber and lured him out of her face. Of course, that ruined it, so he jumped off the bed and went looking for a ball, and she got up and grabbed the antler! She didn't really want it to chew on, she just wanted it because he'd been taunting her with it. Kids. ;-)

I just LOVE watching them.


Monika said...

I can picture it perfectly! I too wish I had the camera with me at all times. The other night they both cuddled on the doggie matress, like never before, of course my batteries died right at that moment.
I'm getting antlers from my dad, the next time my husband goes over there. I hope they are the right ones. :o)
Your Taenzer is quite the dominat one!

T-Mom said...

I hope your guys like the antlers as much as the Ts do!

And isn't that always the way--they do something picture-worthy and either we don't have a camera or the batteries die. Though I must say, you take VERY good pictures of Sam and Biko. I always like seeing pictures of them on your blog.