My "finished" pair of Lemonade Socks.
You notice one is considerably smaller than the other in the foot.
I counted stitches.
I counted rows.
The 2nd one is smaller than the first one.
I don't know whether to try washing them or just wait until I get over my pique and then unravel the too-small one and reknit it.
Right now I'm going to sulk.
I would wash them, and pull them to the same lenght. Do you have sock blockers?
I would, if they were mine. But since they're a gift, I feel like they ought to match so the person I made them for doesn't have to mess with them every time she washes them.
I don't have any sock blockers. It's just seemed like something I didn't need. Do you use them?
Yes I use them for the first wash, not after I use my socks and wash them, I just hang them to dry. I use them when I give the socks away. Mine are not always identical either, but washing helps a lot and stretching.
I don't knit, but I have crocheted, upon occasion.
Varying tension is the problem. The first one was probably looser because you were going more slowly than with the second sock. New Pattern, or one you haven't worked for awhile?
Maybe in the future, you could start both socks in a pair and work each section alternately?
HA! Highly unlikely, I'm afraid. I *could*, of course, have one sock in the living room and one sock in the bedroom, but I have different projects in each room so I can take a break and work on something different. My teeny Gemini attention span. ;-)
Usually I can knit a pair of socks without such a huge size difference, even if considerable time (like months) has passed between working on them. And the problem here was the foot, which is just plain knitting, no fancy patterns. I have no idea.
It's no big deal, really--this is slightly heavier-than-usual yarn, so it goes pretty quick, and I don't mind re-knitting, except I would like to get these socks to my friend sometime in the next decade... ;-^)
I think I might look into a set of sock blockers, though. I've been looking for an excuse to get some of those pretty wood ones with the decorative cut-outs.
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