Sunday, May 16, 2010

I love blue

I notice that I currently have blue columbines, blue bearded iris, blue spiderwort, blue Siberian iris, and blue veronica blooming. My bedroom is painted robin's-egg blue. Most of my sock yarn is some shade of blue. I LOVE blue.

So you can imagine that I was completely THRILLED this morning to see a blue bird at the feeders. !!!! It was an indigo bunting, I think. I've never seen one live before. Super thrill. They're seed-eaters and all my sources say they prefer millet but will eat nyjer and sunflower chips. I don't have sunflower out at the moment because of the starlings, but I do have njyer, so maybe he'll come back.

It would be nice if I could post pictures of all these new birds I'm seeing, but my camera's not that good and also I'm shooting through the window screen, so unless the sun is directly on the feeders, I get very dark photos. And it has to be morning sun; afternoon sun bounces off the white house across the street which means the birds are silhouetted against the bright background. However, seeing as how there hasn't been much sun lately...

(I didn't think starlings were supposed to like nyger, so why is that one out there hogging the feeder?)

I want to get a bird song CD--I heard a song this morning I didn't recognize. I wonder if it was that indigo bunting? I hope it comes back when the sun is out--they're not blue because of pigment but because of how the cells in their feathers reflect light, so they can appear different shades of blue depending on the light. Anyway, I know that recordings of birdsong are available online, but you really can't listen if you're using dial-up, so I want a CD.

Finished one sock (which is, erm, blue) yesterday and cast on for sock #2.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you do a search for the name of the bird and "song" or "call" you can generally find a recording online.