Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I have two baby robins!!!

I saw them this evening when some guy came to the door. He's trying to talk to me about something or other and I'm gazing rapturously over his head at the two fuzzy babies poking their heads over the top of the nest and cautiously opening their beaks to beg, just in case Mom-Robin came back. Beady little black eyes. They look about half-grown--they're not all fuzzy-fluffy, but they're still speckled all over, and they're clearly smaller than a full-grown robin, but definitely bigger than newborns.

I'm just so thrilled! Maybe if I take the camera out tomorrow evening and stay real still, they'll poke their heads out and I can get a picture. I thought about climbing on a step stool to get higher, but I don't want to upset them. I tried tonight, but they'd hunkered down and you can't really see them.

They're very quiet. I haven't been sure there were babies there--sometimes the mom is there and sometimes she's not, and I thought if there were babies they'd make a ruckus begging for food, but apparently not. But I kept watching the nest since the mom kept coming back. Happy thrills! (Yes, I'm easily amused.)

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