This morning Timber got his revenge on Taenzer: I've been working on shaping "heel" with him for several months now, and he's really nailing it--he sits nice and straight (no butt out) and has progressed to doing 4 or 5 steps in a straight line and a nice right-hand U-turn. (We'd be doing more except my house is so crowded there's no room *sigh*) Anyway, he was waiting for his duck jerky treat this morning, so I asked him to come to "front" (sit squarely in front of me within touching distance--toe-to-toe, basically), which he did (we need a little more work there--he tends to sit a tad too far out). Treat. Asked for a heel, got a beautiful one. Treat. I turned to call Taenzer, and he stuck right in heel position, so I heeled him out into the living room and back to the kitchen, and he got a BIG treat. Then while he was chewing on that I called Taenzer. I was going to have her do a swing finish (where she comes directly to my left side and swings into heel position, instead of circling around my right and finishing on the left), and when I looked down to check and see there was room, there's Mr. Bright-Eyes shining up at me from perfect heel position! So he got a fourth treat, and Taenzer got a freebie. :)
(Timber at heel)
1 comment:
Sweet boy! :o)
I'm working with Happy on heel. The others we used a chain, but I want to teach him just with treats. One day he's doing nicely, and the other day, he's so distracted. Sigh. I know he understands what I want from him, but I must really be very patient with him!
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