Saturday, April 3, 2010

Taenzer goes to the Doggy Doctor

And stands in her mommy's lap while the doctor gives her an exam. The big baby. But all things considered, she was good. I took treats and the clicker, and had her touching things and fetching things while we waited, and she was never so stressed that she couldn't take treats (a good sign), although she got a little snatchy (not so good).

Then the vet came in and Taenzer tried to hide behind me. Finally I sat down on the floor and let her stand with her front feet in my lap. I put my arms around her, and the vet did her exam, then I turned her around to face the other direction and she examined the other side. We both noticed that she relaxed--very slightly, but noticeably. She even unsmooshed her ears a little bit.

But boy, she was like a rocket on the way out the door!

She's healthy, heartworm free, and weighs a svelte 65 pounds, just about spot on for Taenzer.

Timber's turn Monday--shouldn't be quite so exciting, since everyone at the clinic thinks he's the sweetest thing in the form of a GSD they've seen.

And I must say, I'm so grateful to my vet for letting me hold my own dogs. I think it makes it about 2000% easier for everyone involved.

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