--but the dogs are thrilled.

Of course, it's easy for them--they don't have to do the shoveling! I'm running out of places to put the snow!
Some of the vegetation isn't too thrilled either, like this blue spruce. The poor box bush up by the garage is positively buried.

Meanwhile, at good ol' Forgottonia U, the grounds people and the building services people are having a squabble. As you can see, there are two sets of steps with a terrace between in front of the building where I work. The grounds people clear the first set of steps, the building services guy clears the set nearest the building, and neither of them will take responsiblity for the terrace, which means anyone who wants to get in using the main doors gets to wade through the snow--which then turns into slippery ice.

1 comment:
That's bizarre shoveling on campus.
We didn't get any of this, thank goodness!
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