It's 12 degrees outside, and about 58 here in my living room. I'm about to go fetch the space heater from the back room. And if it ever warms up some, I'm gonna nab me a coupla grad students and see if they would kindly climb ladders and plastic up those leaky east windows for me. I used to do it myself, but my fear of heights seems to have gone down about 3 rungs. Then I'll try to find a handyman to caulk this spring.
Meanwhile, I'll have to start drawing the drapes at night. I've got insulated drapes in the bedroom and they really help. They're just velour out here, but I imagine closing them would keep out more cold air than *not* closing them.
Used to be winter wind came from the northwest, but it seems to be coming out of the east a lot this year. And it's when it comes out of the north and east to some degree that we get ice. Which we're supposed to be getting later today, oh joy. I'm going to go get donuts and glucosamine/chondroitin after I get the space heater out, and take the Ts, since I don't think they're going to get out to play much today. This is the kind of weather when I REALLY wish I had a real fenced yard so I could just open the backdoor and let them out to play, and open the door to let them in when they're done, while I stay inside with hot tea and keep my hands warm. Brrrrrr.
I hope this picture will show up okay. It's my first night-time picture with my digital camera. I had it set on the night-setting, but no doubt having a "real" camera would have given me a better photo. The snow on the tree branches was beautiful--look at the one across the street.

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